December 7, 2011

Future mobile interaction

Samsung is showing his version of future mobile interaction with life (video) chat, augmented reality, holograms and life translations for better international communication.

So, how long does it take until it isn’t future any more? Can’t wait.

But in some point it seems not really useful, there are some improvements possible. Because the display is transparent other people can see your content. And do you really want other to see e.g. your chat partners? And where comes the sound from? How to charge it or won’t it need a extern power source ever? And where is all the intern (hardware) technology which enables this user experience? How do i get my photos and so on to my private computer at home?

In my opinion this is only a vision which shows the way from today with tablets and smartphones to a further technology step. I think some years ahead all of us will weare a little thing like a wrist watch. This will contain all the hardware to connect us with the real and virtual world. It mainly uses holograms for our visual sense, there can be a camera and beamer included to enable augmented reality experiences. This little thing can observe our vital functions permanently and maybe even get its power from our own body (temperature?). To ensure data privacy we have to build it near the eyes. Maybe that’s why we will look like a cyborg in future (but with all hands free).

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