August 5, 2014

Developers and their users

Just in case you thought: “the developer is not the user“, so get to know them!

May 7, 2014

Overview of car UIs

Geoff Teehan has summarized car UIs of the past, present and maybe future.
I think we can get much better in designing pleasurable car UIs.

via @

April 21, 2014

Designers, developers, users: different views

Anthony Langsworth is talking about different theoretical layers of (game vs. enterprise) software, thereby referencing an interesting paper.

February 23, 2014

Multitouch UI for cars

At a first glance this human-machine interface for our car looks really nice. But one has to remember all the different options (number of fingers to use, how to pinch and so on) at any time. For me, this seems to be complex, distracting the driver and therefore less safety in different situations.

via, see also

December 1, 2013

2x3D: View 2D or 3D on one screen

This is fascinating. Researchers from the Shirai Lab at Kanagawa Institute of Technology developed Scritter, a technology which lets us view two-dimensional or three-dimensional visual content simultaneously (as much as to say: for more than one viewers) on one screen. We can switch between these views by wearing a polarisation filter or not. As the researchers say it can be applied to cinemas, education, and medicine.

I think there is a large spectrum of (more) utilization opportunities. For example, I think of a power plant control room where we could see the static structure of the building with all of its pipes and wires, and the dynamic information and energy flow rushing through this complex pipes / wires network, without having to switch between views, which in turn would have an affect to all viewers.

Here is how Scritter (“2x3D”) works:

Some SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 slides:

see also
and Scritter @ Shirai Lab @ Kanagawa Inst. of Technology

November 14, 2013


Lauri Laineste defines UXD, IA, UI, and IXD in short as can be seen at and to which I agree.

November 1, 2013

Try Windows 1.01 (1985)

Try by yourself: Windows 1.01 emulated in Browser.

Interesting to see some HCI designs which didn’t become extinct until now, e.g. menus and the cursor. OK, right now we live in a changing HCI world but do not forget the origins.


October 21, 2013

Infographic on how to stay creative

Motivational infographic: 29 Ways to Stay Creative.

via @ Facebook

October 20, 2013

Periodic table of visualization methods

A nice overview of information visualization methods (with the cursor slide over the elements to see explaining pop-ups).

via Mario K. Sakata @!