July 10, 2010

And here comes the (invisible) mouse

What a cute demonstration of a nice technology – acting as you have a computer mouse without a mouse:

Probably this gives us the opportunity to interact almost everywhere (in a traditional style) with a laptop (in bed, at kitchen table, etc.) without carrying around the (hardware) mouse.

One has the ability to feel the ‘click’ and so you have tactile feedback of initiating a interaction function. But what if one acts with the hand out of the camera sight? Whill there be false inputs or no one? How to inform the user of the right hand position?

July 3, 2010

Do you believe in UFOs? Unimaginable?

Here is an amusing video about “beliefing (or not) in UFOs” which shows our boundaries of imaginative power and that optical illusions should be known as brain failures.

In my opinion we have to recognize these things “mental / perception problems” when designing human machine interfaces, in a way that new technology doesn’t confuse the users.

June 26, 2010

Gyroscopes in smartphones

Beside the hardware and software products in the video have a look to the gyroscope functionality in smartphones today (especially the precision). It’s amazing! Real cool things can be done with this feature, I think.

June 19, 2010

Provide audio output by environmental interaction

This is an old concept but seems to have (funny) capabilities for future interaction:

June 12, 2010

State of affairs about “Minority Report” UI

We are almost there…

Needs some further effort (e.g. removing gloves) but it’s already amazing.

June 5, 2010

How technology can improve car driving


  1. traffic light assistent
  2. parking area assistant
  3. refueling assistent
  4. red light violation

But for the last item: What if one or more cars are already standing at the traffic light? ;)

May 30, 2010

Robust (smartphone) displays

Providing such robust displays combined with tough unibodies (like the MacBook Pro or HTC Legend) surely is a way to reduce the need of cautiousness of the user, and therefore a sort of consistent stress, and to enhance the satisfaction. Nice devices and applications can arise from these things.

May 24, 2010

Increasing motorcyclists safety

If this is in reality like in the following video this is in my opinion a great practical invention for motorcyclists (the interesting part starts at about 2:45):

May 15, 2010

Touchless interface

Exciting new chances and tasks are coming with this conceptual design:

May 8, 2010

Human brain: parallel and serial processing

Beside the thoughtful aspects concerning human life:

Are we able to learn anything for human computer interaction based on the human brain workings (right hemisphere = parallel processing & left hemisphere = serial processing)?