May 8, 2013

Tools to sketch with tablets

A nice idea of interaction devices for tablets to get a more graspable experience when sketching and so on. We already saw smartphones with pens but as far as I know it’s new for tablets especially with that ruler like device.


February 27, 2012

Which cloud belongs to me?

Today there are several cloud services (from Google, Amazon, Dropbox,, Mendeley, and so on) which offer some free webspace and in case some space extra for that you have to pay some money. And as time goes by there are joining more and more companies this trend.

That’s not what the users want or need, I think. Again it’s a technology / functional driven service design. All the cool new features are thrown to the users by thinking to bind them to the company. But no one asks what the users want nor what they are struggling with. These services are confusing the users after a while!

For example a user has a service A with 2GB free webspace of which he uses the half to store private images. With another service B he can synchronize all his digital files between different devices. But in order to do so he has to pay money because the free space of 5GB doesn’t fit his 20GB music data. So he pays for 50GB and 30GB of that are mindless (paid (minus that 5GB free)). And to do some research the user makes use of a cool service C which allows him to synchronize research papers for his devices with his notices in parallel. And because the 500MB aren’t enough the user pays for another 5GB of space in the cloud of which he needs only 2GB.

And as all this specialization and fragmentation goes along the user will be left alone with his countless accounts and paid subscriptions. He pays for a lot more of webspace then he really needs, falls in danger to loose the overview, and therefore get’s frustrated.

Many clouds are on the sky. Which one is mine?

That’s why I’m proposing another perspective to this problem aka cloud services. My concept is to allow a user to get some free and maybe some paid webspace and all from one provider. The amount has to be nearly freely customizable so that every user can select the best for him with regard to his needs of space and feasibility to pay for it. And on top of that one space for one user every cloud service company may be able to request the offer of their own product / service (by using the one before mentioned user space). Maybe the user then has to pay extra money for the services. But in my opinion he will be more choosier and therefore the companies have to build even better services because that and not the amount of space will be the unique selling point.

That’s user centered cloud service design.