May 7, 2014

Overview of car UIs

Geoff Teehan has summarized car UIs of the past, present and maybe future.
I think we can getĀ much better in designing pleasurable car UIs.

via @

December 1, 2013

2x3D: View 2D or 3D on one screen

This is fascinating. Researchers from theĀ Shirai Lab at Kanagawa Institute of Technology developed Scritter, a technology which lets us view two-dimensional or three-dimensional visual content simultaneously (as much as to say: for more than one viewers) on one screen. We can switch between these views by wearing a polarisation filter or not. As the researchers say it can be applied to cinemas, education, and medicine.

I think there is a large spectrum of (more) utilization opportunities. For example, I think of a power plant control room where we could see the static structure of the building with all of its pipes and wires, and the dynamic information and energy flow rushing through this complex pipes / wires network, without having to switch between views, which in turn would have an affect to all viewers.

Here is how Scritter (“2x3D”) works:

Some SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 slides:

see also
and Scritter @ Shirai Lab @ Kanagawa Inst. of Technology

October 27, 2013

Feel what you see

Would be nice to test this technology which lets you feel surfaces of displayed images. I would like to know how realistic it can be.



August 24, 2013

Rollable laptop

Hm, interesting concept to have a rollable / transformable device which is able to function as a laptop or just a display (with pen). After that you could carry it like a water bottle.
But do we need it or would it be usable enough so people would buy it? I’m not sure.

July 4, 2012

Bubble display

This new technology seems to be too wet for me.
