March 13, 2011

Invisible user interface

Researchers experimented with drawing user interfaces in the air. The neat thing is that you can’t see this interface! You have to be aware of it by using your visual memory.

That sound’s very interesting for the scenario in the video to give driving directions. If you don’ have to be accurate in giving visual informations / drawing you don’t have to carry a inconvenient things like a cumbersome note pad with pen.

And if this augmented reality (AR) technology is decreasing itself in size and weight you probably would use the combination of AR-glasses with the ‘freehand drawing’ to be able to draw and see what you are drawing, everywhere. Than one is also able to draw in more than one planes – that’s (approximately) 3 dimensional!

[ Imaginary Interfaces]

July 3, 2010

Do you believe in UFOs? Unimaginable?

Here is an amusing video about “beliefing (or not) in UFOs” which shows our boundaries of imaginative power and that optical illusions should be known as brain failures.

In my opinion we have to recognize these things “mental / perception problems” when designing human machine interfaces, in a way that new technology doesn’t confuse the users.