March 6, 2013

me: curriculum vitae detailed

  • 12|2007 – today
    working as a computer scientist in the area of human machine interaction at Fraunhofer FKIE (formerly “FGAN e.V.”, Germany)

    • 03|2012 – 09|2012: round three of supporting industrial system development (organization support concerning user interface change requests, etc.)
    • 2012: further training in english (presenting research, business smalltalk etc.)
    • 08|02|2012: with a colleague presenting some facets of software ergonomics (human information processing; task oriented and user centric design process by ISO 9241-210; visualizing of complex informations) at german BAkWVT using project demonstrators as illustrative material
    • 09|2011 – 12|2011: part two of supporting industrial system development (consolidating user requirements with reference to interface design)
    • since 06|2011: building a new HMI for simulations and therefor acting as a mediator between customer (=user) needs and in house software engineers, designing the display and interaction concepts as well as creating different kinds of documentation
    • 12|2010 – 05|2011: project based support for industrial work as Usability Engineer: preparations for evaluating a complex interactive system (HMI prototype)
    • 2010: creating different looks (bright vs. dark) by using the original Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines with eight colors vs. defining different look and feels by adjusting detailed elements and parameters and working out (dis)advantages of these strategies.
    • 2009|2010: learning to program with Processing ([1], [2]) in order to evaluate the usefulness.
    • 2009: further training Grundlagen Projektmanagement (Braune + Partner)
    • 2009: further training Design-Patterns intensiv (GFU Cyrus AG)
    • 2007-2010: designing a complex human machine interface as a scientist in a user-centred and task-oriented way
  • 09|2002 – 09|2005
    studying information technology at University of Cooperative Education Mannheim (Germany) in association with the German Aerospace Center Braunschweig (Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Techniology, Germany) to achieve the first degree of
    Dipl.-Ing. (BA)

  • 07|2001 – 08|2002
    doing military service as electrical engineer assistant at german navy
  • 06|1989 – 06|2001
    absolventing academic high school in Germany
  • 17|06|1982